Coach-Led Workout: Katie Leigh (2.3.2022)

**PAID GVAA MEMBERSHIP MEMBERS ONLY** Animation Acting Ensemble with Katie Leigh One of the tragedies of modern Animation VO is that ensemble recording sessions are few and far between these days. An ensemble recording is when two or more actors record their lines together, as opposed to individually. While more difficult and expensive to schedule, […]

Ready for Everything: Accents & Character Voices on Demand with Chris Lang

Description In professional voiceover work, you will be asked to do widely varied character voices and accents. You’ll be asked to do them on short notice and with very little prep time. This is true whether you are voicing several characters for an animation or audiobook project, or if you’re using a single, new accent […]

Coach-Led Workout – Steven Reisberg (2.6.2022)

**PAID GVAA MEMBERSHIP MEMBERS ONLY** Genres: Commercial/Character Steven Reisberg has directed and coached countless thousands of voice over sessions. His clients include the very top voice over talent in Hollywood and many A-list celebrities, including the late great “King of Voice overs” Don LaFontaine. Steve directs from strong acting technique mixed with knowledge of what […]

Coach-Led Workout: David Rosenthal 2.8.2022

**PAID GVAA MEMBERSHIP MEMBERS ONLY** Genres: Commercial/Character/Narration David has over 25 years of voiceover coaching experience, and has helped many people get their starts or further their careers in the industry. And he can’t wait to do the same for you!

Coach-Led Workout: MJ Lallo (2.10.2022)

**PAID GVAA MEMBERSHIP MEMBERS ONLY** Genres: Video Game/Animation MJ is a voice over artist, director, casting director, voice over producer and composer-singer with over 24 years of experience in the industry. She has done voiceover for: Disney, Miramax, Universal Pictures, Fox Kids, Digimon, Johnson & Johnson, IBM, GNC, Intel, Harcourt Brace, and much more! MJ […]