Analog eLAB (Male & Female)

Moderator: Hello and welcome to today’s WebSeminar: “Analog eLAB”, brought to you by ZDTV, Electronics Marketing, and N.O. Media.

I’m (announcer name) with a few announcements before we begin: Later in the program, we will ask for your feedback. The information you supply will help us improve future events.

You can participate in the Q&A session by submitting questions at any time during the presentation. Just type your question into the “ask a question” text area below the video window, and then click the “Submit Question” button.

If you are experiencing any technical problems, please visit our webcast help guide, by clicking on the “Help” link below the video window. In addition, you can contact our technical support help line during the live web cast. This contact information is located within the webcast help guide.

Now on to the presentation, your host, Erin Scott.

(AFTER WEBINAR ENDS) Thank you. Any questions submitted but not answered during the show will be answered by e-mail. For more information, please visit any of the resource links listed in the slide window.

Thank you for attending today’s event. Shortly after the live event, you can access this presentation on demand, by visiting

This NetSeminar is copyright and the presentation materials are owned by or copyright, if that is the case, by our sponsors, who are solely responsible for its content and the individual speakers are solely responsible for their content and their opinions.

I’m (Announcer Name.) Thanks for your time, and have a great day!


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