A battle-focused opponent who only uses explosives.
His keen, animal-like instincts keep him focused and ready to wreak havoc! Like a dog with a bone, when he makes up his mind to destroy his enemy, he doesn’t let it go until he blows ‘em up. He lobs insults that are on the lame side – but he thinks they are hilarious. other words, his bomb is worse than his bite.
Voice Notes:
Zach Galifianakis in “The Hangover” movies
Sample Lines:
“You met your match! For competing, not dating. Get it?”
“I’m your worst nightmare! After clowns and hairless cats.” (Shudders)
“Take that, Mankind!”
“You. Are. Road-kill!”
“Why me? I’m man’s best friend.”
“Winner, winner, kibble dinner!”
“I feel like I got a new leash on life!
“I demand a replay, a re-battle, a re-something!”
“I should never tailgate. Bad Roofus. Bad.”