
The 2 Demo Package Deal


An outstanding demo is one of the most important steps in starting or expanding your voice-over career.


Collaborative, unique, and current. GVAA Demos is one of the premiere demo production studios in the industry! We take a collaborative approach to each demo, working in tandem with coaches, talent, and producers to ensure its relevant, on brand, and shines a bright light on the talent’s performance and personality as an actor. Results matter and GVAA Demos delivers. We have a stellar track record of talent signing with multiple agencies and booking right from their demos! We pride ourselves on delivering the best possible demos, helping talent progress on their journey, and achieve their goals!

Our team provides custom scripting, direction, references, resources, and personalized guidance to bring the best of your talents to the forefront. Our services also include working with Atlantis Group Studio, located in Santa Monica, California. Atlantis Group provides recording, production, phone patch, and ISDN services upon request for all recording needs. The production process includes three revisions of your demo. Additional revisions are charged 1hr of production cost per revision.