Billy Galaxy (male) – Video Game

Billy is an old toy of DJ’s that he buried in the toy cemetery at some undisclosed time in the past. Billy was one of DJ’s favorite toys and popular with a lot of kids. Unfortunately Billy was pulled off the market shortly after his release due to multiple kids choking on Billy’s small robot accessories and weapons. The situation escalated when some parents started buying the toys just to get their kids to choke on accessories and bring huge law suites to the gigantic toy company Masbrotel. These days, Billy is a rare and sought after toy on the market – just don’t tell Billy that.

Physical Description:
Billy towers over DJ and Pandora within the game. He is big and now bad because he is possessed by tree roots. He has one photo-optic plastic eye, rockets and cannons on his shoulders, and armored chest, moves on tank treads, has 6 guns on one arm and holds a sword in the other. Billy can rotate freely from his waist while his treads move him around in any direction. Billy’s voice is a malevoice. He has mostly one-liners for taunting or boss humor. He is over-the-top with cheesy proclamations. There is a certain amount of forced cheerfulness in his voice.

Sounds Like:
· Close to the Lost in Space robot.
· Sounds a bit metallic.
· A hint of a strong action hero voice.
· Doesn’t sound like an evil robot.
· Buzz Lightyear
· Wound up toy kind of voice

Audition Lines:
Heroic: “I bring a message of peace from planet Billy; give my best wishes to everybody.”
Serious good guy fighting a villain, says it through his robot teeth: “There isn’t enough room in the universe for both of us.”
Commercial selling point: “Not for children under 5.”
Heroic Billy catch phrase: “Taste the justice of my Freedom Rockets!”
Reassuring the kids that he will be O.K: “I will prevail!”
He’s just been defeated; resigned, slightly depressed voice: “You are the new protector of the universe.”


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