Coach-Led Workout: Animation Acting Ensemble with Katie Leigh (3.20.2024)

**PAID GVAA MEMBERSHIP MEMBERS ONLY** One of the tragedies of modern Animation VO is that ensemble recording sessions are few and far between these days. An ensemble recording is when two or more actors record their lines together, as opposed to individually. While more difficult and expensive to schedule, these sessions often create better performances. […]

Coach-Led Workout: Animation Acting Ensemble with Katie Leigh (4.17.2024)

**PAID GVAA MEMBERSHIP MEMBERS ONLY** One of the tragedies of modern Animation VO is that ensemble recording sessions are few and far between these days. An ensemble recording is when two or more actors record their lines together, as opposed to individually. While more difficult and expensive to schedule, these sessions often create better performances. […]

Coach-Led Workout: Animation Acting Ensemble with Katie Leigh (5.2.2024)

**PAID GVAA MEMBERSHIP MEMBERS ONLY** One of the tragedies of modern Animation VO is that ensemble recording sessions are few and far between these days. An ensemble recording is when two or more actors record their lines together, as opposed to individually. While more difficult and expensive to schedule, these sessions often create better performances. […]

Coach-Led Workout: Animation Acting Ensemble with Katie Leigh (7.24.2024)

**PAID GVAA MEMBERSHIP MEMBERS ONLY** One of the tragedies of modern Animation VO is that ensemble recording sessions are few and far between these days. An ensemble recording is when two or more actors record their lines together, as opposed to individually. While more difficult and expensive to schedule, these sessions often create better performances. […]

Coach-Led Workout: Audio Drama Ensemble with Katie Leigh (8.21.2024)

**PAID GVAA MEMBERSHIP MEMBERS ONLY** An ensemble recording is when two or more actors record their lines together, as opposed to individually. While more difficult and expensive to schedule, these sessions often create better performances. The chemistry becomes more organic, the reactions more immediate as the actors feed and play off of each other’s energy […]