Protecting Yourself Legally in VO with Robert Sciglimpaglia!!

With all of the recent upheaval and uncertainty in the voiceover industry, it’s more important than ever to know how to protect yourself legally in our business. What legal entity should you have when operating a voice over business? What are the factors in deciding if you need a corporate entity and what type? What […]

Subtext – Telling The Story Beneath The Words with Carol Monda

Webinar Description They say you can’t judge a book by its cover. Sometimes, you can’t even judge a book by its words; the layers of story beneath the writing speak louder, more fully. In this webinar, we’ll get underneath the text in practical and intuitive ways to help you cultivate a closer read, discover new […]

How To Get Terrific Testimonials with Jonathan Tilley

There’s no other way to say it: testimonials rock! They take the pressure off of you bragging about how awesome you are and lets other people build your authority for you. Testimonials prove that you have worked professionally and are a psychological trick to clients that says “well if THAT person said that about you then […]

5 Tips For Audition Success with Animation Casting Directors with Sara Sherman

Description There’s a good chance your voiceover journey started with the dream of being the lead in an animated series. It’s no surprise, Animation is one of the most desirable voiceover genres. It’s super fun and extremely rewarding. It’s also one of the most difficult to break into. Talent and acting ability aren’t enough though. […]