VO Home Studio Basics with Sean Daeley

Description You’ve got some performance training under your belt, but in order to get your voice out there, you need to be able to record and edit your own auditions and projects! Recording technology may seem intimidating, but the equipment needs of the modern voice talent are actually simpler, more accessible, and more affordable than […]

The Importance of Script Analysis: 3 Genres, 3 Approaches

Description The only way a pro voice actor can consistently stay in the running for jobs is to send off auditions based on expert, sound, script analysis.  Without it, you are throwing darts in the dark. Know what to look for, what to disregard, how to make a script come to you instead of you […]

Ready for Everything: Accents & Character Voices on Demand with Chris Lang

Description In professional voiceover work, you will be asked to do widely varied character voices and accents. You’ll be asked to do them on short notice and with very little prep time. This is true whether you are voicing several characters for an animation or audiobook project, or if you’re using a single, new accent […]

Smart Financial Decisions For You And Your Business with David Rosenthal

Description Every voice actor, solopreneur, sole proprietor, and/or small businessperson (whatever you choose to call yourself, you’re actually all of those things) needs to have a strong financial plan in place that addresses your/your family’s short, medium, and long term goals. Empower yourself to make consistently smart, savvy financial (and business) decisions with the information […]

How to Succeed as a Business While Parenting with Tracy Lindley and David Rosenthal

Description CREATE A SUCCESSFUL VO BUSINESS WHILE PARENTING! Raise your hand if you are a working voice actor (or are thinking about getting into VO) AND you’re a parent! Well, you’re not alone! If you have your hand raised like Tracy and David, then you need to attend this webinar! It will help you navigate the ups […]