Braintracks Audio – Voice Over Home Studio Coaching: Getting Started with Jonah Rosenthal



Home Recording Package

Ready to begin setting up your home studio? This coaching session is for talent just getting their home studios underway. Being able to record high quality voice over from home is essential to your success, however, setting up a professional home recording studio can be a challenge. Far too often, voice actors make the mistake of trying to do it by themselves. By purchasing our voice over home recording studio coaching, we guarantee to find you the best possible equipment suited for your voice, recording space, and budget. Save yourself the headache of doing countless hours of research, only to end up with:

  • A microphone that’s not right for your specific vocal type
  • A recording space that hasn’t been properly acoustically treated
  • An audio interface and/or cables that add noise to your recordings
  • Finished files that have been recorded at the wrong volume

These are just a few of the many common rookie mistakes, all of which we’ll help you avoid.

  1. A thorough assessment of your current audio quality and recording space (based on a sample file you send us, along with pictures and a completed questionnaire).
  2. A half-hour Skype session with our professional home studio consultant, Jonah Rosenthal. You will be given a set of adjustments to make to your recording space and recording techniques, as well as personalized recommendations of equipment to buy. Keep in mind we work with budgets ranging from $200 to $2000, so any purchases can be made incrementally.
  3. A detailed assessment of the second sample file you send us (once you’ve followed through on our first set of recommendations).
  4. A second half-hour Skype session to ensure your studio is properly set up and your voice is sounding every bit as clear and powerful as it should! We’ll use this time to answer any remaining questions you have and teach you everything else you’ll need to know in order to get clean recordings from here on out.


We look forward to elevating your home recordings to the highest professional standards. Our goal is to set you apart from the competition and help you book more jobs!