The Pandora Sound



Join us for an insight into the world of voice acting with Studio Resonate’s Steve Pogatch and David Cuetter from Sirius XM Media. Delve into “The Pandora Sound,” a webinar designed to elevate your voiceover game. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, this event is tailored to help you learn what commercial casting directors and clients are looking for in the streaming audio space.

Here’s what you can expect in this recorded webinar!

Intro’s: Get to know Steve and David, the creative minds behind Studio Resonate’s audio production & voice roster.
The Pandora Sound: Get under the hood and see what qualities and tone they look for in voice actors, and what makes for a good read.
VO Talents’ Toolkit: Uncover the dos and don’ts of voice acting, gain valuable auditioning tips, and understand what Studio Resonate looks for in auditions and demos.
Podcast Ad Genre: Learn more about the podcast ad read genre, its nuances, and see how it differs from traditional reads.
Multicultural Dynamics: Delve into the realm of multicultural production and ads, with a spotlight on Spanish reads.
Stand for Sonic Diversity: Discover why diversity is crucial in today’s voiceover landscape.

PLUS! The live Q&A session!

Tune into The Pandora Sound!

Duration: 1.5 Hours
Format: Zoom Recording – Available Indefinitely
Investment: $39 (free in GVAA Membership!)

*After purchase, you’ll receive a purchase receipt email with the link and password to view this webinar!


**DISCLAIMER** GVAA partners with Casting Directors, Coaches, and Agents strictly for the purpose of educating voice actors. Participation does not guarantee representation or work.